We want to create an incredibly open indie games company. We want to build amazing games, and blog about every step of the way. Click around to learn more about us, and thanks for visiting!


Who we are

Who is Tiger Sheep?

Tiger Sheep is a small independent software company, based out of Portland, Oregon. We develop exceptional custom business software, and on our free time build video games.


What we do

What do we make?

The majority of our business projects involve replacing complicated business processes with custom-built, simplified ones. We're also the nation's leading source for user-focused SAP Business One training.


Why Choose Us

What makes us different?

Our company runs on four basic tenets: Make it fun, make it fast, make it work, and make it beautiful. We're going to make games that we would enjoy, and share them with you so you can enjoy them too!

Layered Sprites

Hello, world!

Too many options!

We realized recently that we needed layered sprites. We plan on having multiple coats, multiple hats, multiple shoes, multiple ties, multiple everything, and making a separate spritesheet for every possible combination would have been a hassle and seemed like the wrong way of going about it.


SO. It's been quite the hiatus, Kickstarter. The last six months have been full of massive side projects, and while they unfortunately served to pay for our livelihoods, they were . . . distracting.


Find Out More!

Welcome to Tiger Sheep, an independent games company. Take a look around!

Currently Working On

Currently, we're working on the first chapter of our 'Deceit' action platformer! As well, we're working on a Kickstarter to help us shift our focus from SAP Business One training to game design!

Read more

Current Projects


17285 Sw Arborcrest Way
Beaverton, OR 97006

Get in touch

Give us a call at503-427-8177

Email us at
